Sunday, Feb 16 2025
Please join us as Jim Vandermeer will be preaching through Acts 2:1-13.
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Church Vision & Mission Update
We have recently been sharing in greater detail where God is leading us as a church. This is an exciting time for us all as we align ourselves to these 4 pillars of vision. Please take a look at these videos and see what has been shared.Pillar 1
Pillar 2
Pillar 3
Pillar 4

Upcoming Events & Announcements
Sunday, February 16th from 5-7pm
Prayer Gathering
March 14th and 15th
Gospel-Shaped Marriage Conference
February 13th, 7-9pm
Youth Group Pool Party
When we join our hearts together in worship, we collectively Encounter God in a meaningful way.
Our worship services are planned with that goal in mind.

We believe the most effective way to grow in our faith is in the context of community.
At Community Church we want everyone to get involved in a community group, DNA group, or a study group so we can grow together.

God has uniquely gifted each of us for service in His kingdom.
When the body of Christ works together we see Him do amazing things through us!

Connect & Multiply
Our mission is to ‘Follow Jesus and lead others to follow Jesus”, so the center of our disciple-making plan is to Connect and Multiply.
All our ministry efforts are geared toward helping people connect in a relationship with God, connect with other people, and multiply disciples.