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Children's Ministry

Children & Students

God commands His people to diligently and continually teach their children to love the Lord our God, with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their might. At WPCC, we believe that this command is primarily to the parent, but that the church also has its unique function in preserving and passing down the historic Christian faith to the next generation.

This is reflected in our vision statement: To follow Jesus and lead others to follow Jesus by welcoming children in Jesus’ name, teaching Gospel-centered lessons, assisting families in discipleship, and encouraging children to share their faith.

“These words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Family Discipleship
Learn more about how we equip and encourage parents and grandparents in carrying out this command to diligently teach their children the fear of the Lord.


Bumblebees & Ladybugs

6m-2 years

Babies and toddlers are at a stage of learning about God’s character through their own caregivers. During the full service nursery, we seek to demonstrate God’s love and patience through attentive, warm care, simple songs, and prayer. The toddlers are taught Gospel truth through simple lessons from the Gospel Project.

For babies younger than 6 months, we welcome them into the service. If you desire privacy or quiet, we have a Quiet Room located off the Worship Center by the sound booth.

Baby Dedication
We offer the Milestone 1 Class to prepare parents for dedicating their child. To learn more, contact Jay Farwell, Family Pastor.

Because safety is a priority, we ensure that all volunteers are carefully screened and background checked. We use a computerized system for check-in to ensure children are accounted for at all times.



3-4 Years

Our Preschool class, offered for the full service, is designed to build a foundation of Biblical truth through lessons from the Gospel Project. Every lesson points children to their need for salvation and looks to Jesus as our glorious Savior.

Click here for this week’s Family Activity Sheet

Baptism is a significant event for believers as they publicly identify with Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.

We offer pastoral counseling and resources as you disciple your child in this step. If your child would like to be baptized, please contact Jay Farwell, Family Pastor.


Dragonflies & Praying Mantises

K-3rd Grade

The Dragonflies (K5-1st) and Praying Mantises (2nd-3rd) classes worship with their parents first and then come to class during the sermon. The lessons are a chronological study through the Bible from the Gospel Project.

We also host events throughout the year such as the Bible Reading Challenge, Summer Service Project, and Vacation Bible School to encourage the faith and growth for your family. Click here for this week’s Family Discussion Guide

Special Needs
If your child needs a little extra care and help, please contact Courtney Neuber, Children’s Ministry Director. We desire to encourage parents by welcoming all children and providing experienced care.

Teach in Children’s or Youth Ministry
If God is leading you to teach children or youth about His glorious salvation, please contact Courtney Neuber, Children’s Ministry Director, or Bill Brown, Youth Pastor, for more information.



4th-5th Grade

For the 4th-6th graders, we believe that it is important that they stay with parents during the sermon. To learn more about why, please scroll down.

We offer the Radix class on Thursday nights from 6:30-8:30pm twice a month. Click here for the current schedule. Radix, Latin for roots, is working through the New City Catechism to train children in systematic theology, what we believe and why we believe it, before they enter middle school.

For a list of Recommend Resources, click here.

Family Discipleship
Though the church has a unique role (see below) in teaching the gospel to children, we believe that God has placed parents as the primary disciplers of their children. WPCC seeks to equip and encourage parents as they tackle this daunting task. We do this by:

Family Library
We have a small family library that is filled with family devotionals, parenting books, picture books, Christian biographies, storybook Bibles, and more. This is an awesome opportunity to “try out” a devotional or book with your family. Click here to access our library.

Milestone Classes
In the lives of your children, we celebrate 7 Milestones (Baby Dedication, Faith Commitment, Preparing for Adolescence, Commitment to Purity, Rite of Passage, High School Graduation, and Life in Christ). For each milestone, WPCC offers a class to prepare and encourage parents.


Church’s Unique Role in Teaching Children

“God’s command for parents to teach their kids was given in the context of a community (“in Jacob. . .in Israel,” Ps. 78:5) Chirstian parents won’t fulfill their responsibility to be generational disciple makers unless fellow believers support them. Here are a few reasons why church ministry to children and students is necessary:
1. To surround young people with godly adults who can provide love and care, truth they can build their lives on, and a model to follow (I Cor. 11:1, I Pet. 5:2).
2. To reinforce a biblical view of the world. A child will sometimes listen to a children’s or youth ministry volunteer more fully even though he has consistently heard the same truth from his parent (2 Tim. 4:2)
3. Because the family hasn’t been given the keys to the kingdom, the church has. Therefore, the church is needed to affirm the salvation of children, and it’s the ultimate spiritual accountability for the family (Matt. 16:19)
4. To be a neutral third part when there is a major family conflict, serving as an impartial advisor between parents and kids (2 Cor. 5:18)
5. To connect believing young people with other Christians, who support, encourage, and keep them accountable (Heb. 10:25).
6. To provide opportunities for young people to use their gifts to serve (1 Corinthians 12).
7. Because the church fights for truth and sound doctrine. It protects families from being drawn away by false teaching (1 Tim. 3:15).
8. Because spiritual growth generally happens within the context of community (Eph. 4:11-16).”


Why do 4th-5th Grades Sit Through the Sermon?

WPCC desires to be a family-equipping church. Simply, parents are the primary faith trainers in their family so we provide resources to equip families to accomplish this.

By the time a child enters 4th grade, they are usually intellectually and emotionally ready for weightier subjects. They are also talkative and maintain a strong connection to their parents. Most 4th-5th graders are able to listen quietly to a sermon, and begin to understand the more abstract concepts. This then equips parents to discuss the sermon points with their children. Parents are able to correct misunderstandings, listen to their child’s doubts or questions, and encourage them throughout the week in their spiritual lives. Not only does this discussion benefit the child, it often proves to be valuable in the parent’s sanctification.

If you would like to have further help in guiding sermon discussions, you can use the pastoral questions here link to small group study or the simpler Sunday School Family guide here link to Family Discussion guide

As important as family discipleship is though, we recognize that 4th-5th grade is starting to be strongly attracted to peer groups. We believe that friendship is vital for children to feel connected to their church body. This is why we offer the Radix class on Thursday nights. Other godly adults are supporting your child by teaching them the gospel and your child can forge friendships with their peers.

But my child doesn’t sit still or listen.
The first few times that your 4th grader is asked to sit quietly through a sermon will be difficult. Just ask Pastor Jay or Courtney! However, like any skill, it takes persistence and training. Before the service begins, review expectations of behavior with your child. Provide them with age-appropriate sermon guides (emailed every week). Help them follow along in their own Bibles. Ask them to listen for Key Words (auditory learners) or draw Key Points (visual learners). The goal is not a dutiful child that sits perfectly still through a sermon, but a child that is actively listening to God’s Word being expounded.

But they want to meet other people their age.
This is an understandable concern. Peer relationships are important to feeling connected in a church body. This is why we offer multiple opportunities at other times such as Radix, VBS, or Christmas choir for children to form friendships.

But my child isn’t developmentally ready to sit through a sermon.
While there are expectations of developmental growth at each year, not every child follows this average. We desire to be hospitable to every child so if you have a concern, please talk to Courtney Neuber, Children’s Ministry Director.

Online Connection Card

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To submit a prayer request .

Prayer Request

Let us know how we can pray for you.

Volunteer Signup

Please let us know you'd like to volunteer.

Current Volunteer Needs:

Budget Vote

Please share your vote on the budget.

Elder Candidates

Please share your vote for the new elder candidate.